In order to be able to inform you about the DCM independently of this homepage, we will supply a collection of scientific contributions and specialist texts for you and supplement them regularly.



In the article about the "Empfehlungen (Leitlinien) zur Erfassung von zuchtrelevanten Herzerkrankungen in Hundepopulationen" Dr. vet. Jan-Gerd Kresken et al. writes also about the DCM:


Herzerkrankungen in Hundepopulationen.pdf



On the official website of the Department of Animal Cardiology of the LMU Munich you will find an easy-to-understand overview of the symptoms, the diagnosis as well as the therapy possibilities and prognosis:


DCM - LMU München



Also on the homepage of the veterinary clinic Kaiserberg you can find a detailed chapter about DCM:


DCM - Tierklinik Kaiserberg



The TiHo Hannover also started a scientific project about the DCM: 


TiHo-Forschungsprojekt DCM



In august 2013, the PennVet Ryan Hospital published an interesting article about the DCM:


DCM - PennVet



Also on the homepage of Dr. med. vet. Killich (CC-cardiology) you can find a good overview about the DCM:


DCM - KardioKonsult